


One of your latest habits is to yell 'Mum! Muuuuuuuuum!' at me. Once I respond you go along your day without talking any more. I had to snap this picture as I was trying to get you to get dressed for bed, with added hands on your hips it was just irresistible! But maybe you can start calling for dad sometimes? Just to give me a little break!

Hair Cut.



Here you are proudly showing off your new haircut. You excitedly came home and told your dad - "I have spikes!". You were so brave Asher. I remember your first haircut like it was yesterday. You threw yourself around and cried so hard you had drenched your shirt and the cover in dribble with hair stuck in it. I felt awful. This was before your diagnosis of SPD. I'm more prepared now. You had Cedric the weighted snake sitting in your lap and we got through this together with a little help from a DVD. Well done Asher.






No words are needed.




I am cheating and using a picture I took the night before.

Here you are sleeping. Like an angel. I stare at this picture and wonder how I ever created something so perfect and angelic. I love you Asher.




Today we spent the day out and about while daddy stayed home. You had a really busy day, but were so excited to see your dad this afternoon. Many cuddles were had, as well as lots of conversations on the phone!

I love watching your relationship blossom with your dad. The dad/daughter relationship is such a special one and one that I treasured as a child. Your face lights up when you see him and frequent squeals of 'dad! dad! daddy! dad!' can be heard throughout the day. Daddy is able to settle you at night when mummy and boom is just not enough.

Busy Boy.



Today we had a play date with a few natural mummas I have met through Facebook. You were in heaven playing with all the boys and girls, running around like a madman, so much so you ended up dripping in sweat! On the way home you crashed and I just couldn't resist snapping this picture.




We just found out that you were accepted into the early entry program for kindy. Due to your special needs this gives you 2 terms of 1 session a week to get used to the routine, the building, the teachers, other children and noise levels before starting kindy formally. As part of our orientation for you we went for a bit of a drive this morning and visited your new kindy while it was empty and quiet, just so you could see the building and the yard.

I have such mixed feelings about this. You are so excited about your 'big boy kindy'. We've picked out a new lunch box and drink bottle for it. I think you will love it, I truly do. I can't believe how big you are though. I can't believe you are not that tiny little baby I held in my arms for hours when you were a newborn any more. Where did the years go? Have I done you a good job raising you so far? Will you like kindy? Will you make friends? Am I making the right decision in trusting this school, this teacher and this system with you?