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Today was your first kindy session. You are doing early entry, so for two terms before starting it full time you have a two hour session a week. I have to admit, I was nervous. As it was getting closer to leaving time I felt sick and my hands were shaking. You were so excited though, standing near the door waiting for it to be time to go.
Once we were in the car and started driving I heard you say in a little voice 'Mum, I'm a bit shy now'. Oh my heart ached a little with those words and for the drive we talked about what to expect at kindy and that I could stay with you if you wanted.
As the 2nd picture shows though, you were so excited once we arrived. We popped your things away and you got straight into playing outside. I asked if you were ready for me to leave and you said no, not yet. But it only took you 15 minutes to warm up and you said I could go.
Walking away was hard. I kept peeking back, watching you busy at work playing. After your session was over I found you full of smiles with paint on your t-shirt (which shows me you have been busy!), you were doing drawings with the other children, had read a book about an octopus and made a caterpillar.
I am so proud of you.
Tonight just before bed Asher was doing a bit of sensory seeking and ended up hitting his head. We got out this ice-pack for him and he kept it on his head for a little bit. Once he was finished with it you snatched it up, taking it over to the couch and put it on your own sore.
Such concentration on your face!
We have been doing lots of talking lately about your birthday and birthday party. I've been busy planning and asking for as much of your input as I can get. Today when playing with playdough you made yourself a cake. Then you announced that you were singing happy birthday at your party and treated us all to your version of 'Happy birthday to Asher, happy birthday to Asher!'.
The looks on your face were beautiful.
Today we had a family ice-cream date. As part of Asher's toilet learning we are currently offering ice-cream as a reward for using the toilet rather than the potty. You both love our ice-cream dates and with the weather being as hot as it has been it has been so nice getting out for an ice-cream together!
(Layla's face is her happy - she's saying 'cheeeeeese' and screwing up her nose because she knows it makes her mumma giggle!)
Another activity that is part of Asher's sensory diet - water beads! You both spent ages sitting on the floor digging your hands into the beads, squishing them and talking about them. I am so proud of you Layla, because you don't like sensory activities and you got straight into this one!
Pure joy.
One of your latest habits is to yell 'Mum! Muuuuuuuuum!' at me. Once I respond you go along your day without talking any more. I had to snap this picture as I was trying to get you to get dressed for bed, with added hands on your hips it was just irresistible! But maybe you can start calling for dad sometimes? Just to give me a little break!