



Today was your first kindy session. You are doing early entry, so for two terms before starting it full time you have a two hour session a week. I have to admit, I was nervous. As it was getting closer to leaving time I felt sick and my hands were shaking. You were so excited though, standing near the door waiting for it to be time to go.

Once we were in the car and started driving I heard you say in a little voice 'Mum, I'm a bit shy now'. Oh my heart ached a little with those words and for the drive we talked about what to expect at kindy and that I could stay with you if you wanted.

As the 2nd picture shows though, you were so excited once we arrived. We popped your things away and you got straight into playing outside. I asked if you were ready for me to leave and you said no, not yet. But it only took you 15 minutes to warm up and you said I could go.

Walking away was hard. I kept peeking back, watching you busy at work playing. After your session was over I found you full of smiles with paint on your t-shirt (which shows me you have been busy!), you were doing drawings with the other children, had read a book about an octopus and made a caterpillar.

I am so proud of you.

First Aid.



Tonight just before bed Asher was doing a bit of sensory seeking and ended up hitting his head. We got out this ice-pack for him and he kept it on his head for a little bit. Once he was finished with it you snatched it up, taking it over to the couch and put it on your own sore.




Such concentration on your face!





We have been doing lots of talking lately about your birthday and birthday party. I've been busy planning and asking for as much of your input as I can get. Today when playing with playdough you made yourself a cake. Then you announced that you were singing happy birthday at your party and treated us all to your version of 'Happy birthday to Asher, happy birthday to Asher!'.

The looks on your face were beautiful.

Ice-Cream Dates.




Today we had a family ice-cream date. As part of Asher's toilet learning we are currently offering ice-cream as a reward for using the toilet rather than the potty. You both love our ice-cream dates and with the weather being as hot as it has been it has been so nice getting out for an ice-cream together!

(Layla's face is her happy - she's saying 'cheeeeeese' and screwing up her nose because she knows it makes her mumma giggle!)

Water Beads.




Another activity that is part of Asher's sensory diet - water beads! You both spent ages sitting on the floor digging your hands into the beads, squishing them and talking about them. I am so proud of you Layla, because you don't like sensory activities and you got straight into this one!




Pure joy.




One of your latest habits is to yell 'Mum! Muuuuuuuuum!' at me. Once I respond you go along your day without talking any more. I had to snap this picture as I was trying to get you to get dressed for bed, with added hands on your hips it was just irresistible! But maybe you can start calling for dad sometimes? Just to give me a little break!

Hair Cut.



Here you are proudly showing off your new haircut. You excitedly came home and told your dad - "I have spikes!". You were so brave Asher. I remember your first haircut like it was yesterday. You threw yourself around and cried so hard you had drenched your shirt and the cover in dribble with hair stuck in it. I felt awful. This was before your diagnosis of SPD. I'm more prepared now. You had Cedric the weighted snake sitting in your lap and we got through this together with a little help from a DVD. Well done Asher.






No words are needed.




I am cheating and using a picture I took the night before.

Here you are sleeping. Like an angel. I stare at this picture and wonder how I ever created something so perfect and angelic. I love you Asher.




Today we spent the day out and about while daddy stayed home. You had a really busy day, but were so excited to see your dad this afternoon. Many cuddles were had, as well as lots of conversations on the phone!

I love watching your relationship blossom with your dad. The dad/daughter relationship is such a special one and one that I treasured as a child. Your face lights up when you see him and frequent squeals of 'dad! dad! daddy! dad!' can be heard throughout the day. Daddy is able to settle you at night when mummy and boom is just not enough.

Busy Boy.



Today we had a play date with a few natural mummas I have met through Facebook. You were in heaven playing with all the boys and girls, running around like a madman, so much so you ended up dripping in sweat! On the way home you crashed and I just couldn't resist snapping this picture.




We just found out that you were accepted into the early entry program for kindy. Due to your special needs this gives you 2 terms of 1 session a week to get used to the routine, the building, the teachers, other children and noise levels before starting kindy formally. As part of our orientation for you we went for a bit of a drive this morning and visited your new kindy while it was empty and quiet, just so you could see the building and the yard.

I have such mixed feelings about this. You are so excited about your 'big boy kindy'. We've picked out a new lunch box and drink bottle for it. I think you will love it, I truly do. I can't believe how big you are though. I can't believe you are not that tiny little baby I held in my arms for hours when you were a newborn any more. Where did the years go? Have I done you a good job raising you so far? Will you like kindy? Will you make friends? Am I making the right decision in trusting this school, this teacher and this system with you?

Big Girl.



Today we visited Asher's new kindy when it was empty, so he could have a look around. You were very excited too, I think you hope you will be coming for a play as well! I'm sorry Miss Layla, not for a few years. I'm not ready for you to grow up yet!

My Little Sponge.



Fridays are day care days. You were very tired and we were getting you and Asher ready for bed. I watched as you popped your doll up on a pillow, put a blanket over here and started patting her (maybe a little too roughly!) to sleep. It is amazing what you pick up! Children really are little sponges.

Water Play.



You really enjoyed the water play today. I watched you concentrate as you poured the water from one toy to the other, occasionally glancing at your big brother to see what he was up to. You took such care while pouring, it makes a change from the splashing we get all over the bathroom at bath time!

Australia Day.



Today is Australia Day. You were very excited to make a flag as part of our celebrations!

Bath Time Fun.




We had a pretty rough day today. No naps, shopping centre meltdowns, screaming and constant hot weather. But I know at the end of it (after a dinner time tantrum because that was NOT what you wanted to eat!) we'll have our bath time and you both will love it. We have lots of laughs, splashing and it helps end our day on a more positive note.




After our visit to the doctors both you and Asher were very excited about spotting The Big Red Car. Luckily enough we had a spare $2 coin and I had my camera to snap these pictures!


I just love the look of absolute adoration you give your brother here.




Today we had to make a trip to the doctors for Layla. It was an hour long wait and you did SO well, especially considering you don't like crowds or lots of noise - which the waiting room was full of! We were very busy playing with your cars and you also found a stash of stones and sticks that you have collected on walks and put in the bottom of the pram.


An elephant sitting on the roof.




You are loving these blocks at the moment so I have put them in the quiet corner for you. You spent a good 10 minutes building towers, clapping and then letting them fall over before starting again. It didn't matter how many times I showed you that they would last a little longer on the floor, you insisted they be built on your couch!




I had to snap this picture of you today making use of our new quiet corner. You told me all about the angry bunny that was 'fat' and then got happy again. It was 2 minutes of quiet in a very hectic Asher-filled day!




My poor sweet baby was feeling a bit out of sorts after a busy day at day care. She needed mummy snuggles to help settle her back to sleep, mummy was all too happy to give you cuddles you needed.




Asher you are very mechanical. You love to help your daddy work on his car. You can tell me about all sorts of things that I know nothing about (the latest was something about a port!).

Your latest project with your dad is doing up your go-kart. Here you are busy with Layla fixing the wheels, telling her 'Not like that, try it this way Yaya!'.

Your daddy is very proud.




Before bedtime Layla was very busy building towers.




Today I watched as you tenderly wrapped up Dora in her blanket. You snuggled her into your arms like a newborn babe and wandered around the lounge room before starting the process all over again.

I sometimes wonder what kind of person you will be when you are in your 20's and 30's. Will you be a mum? What kind of mum will you be? I think you will make a wonderful mumma, full of love for your babies. You have a heart of gold, my little love, so caring and kind.




This is what you were doing at 1am.

No wonder you were tired this morning.



This picture melts my heart. My two beautiful babies, you love each other so much and are so beautiful together. Moments like this I will hold on to forever.




So while this experience was part of your brothers sensory diet, I set it up for you as well. You dipped one finger in and pulled this face. I must admit I had a little giggle. You mainly watched your brother play, I tried to show you how nice it felt but you wouldn't listen to me. I also may have put some on your tummy, but at least I washed it off as soon as you asked me too!

Plop plop.



Today we made some gloop and you and your sister hopped in the bath to explore it. You dived your hands right into it and used some good language while telling me all about it - "It goes plop plop plop mum!". You were very brave exploring this new sensory experience.




Today at the shops, wearing your ear muffs and hat. Both of these things help you feel calmer. We know you are beginning to feel 'funny' because you get quite loud and start screaming to block out all the other noises. The ear muffs help reduce the noise and the hat helps to reduce the lighting as well as helping you feel more secure and enclosed. A calmer Asher is a happier Asher (and mum and dad!).




As I was putting things in my bag getting ready to go you noticed me holding the camera. You started posing just like this while saying 'cheeeeeeeese!'.

Splish Splash.



Nothing puts a bigger smile on your face than bath time and splashing!

Silly Faces.



'No cheese mum, I do silly faces!'

Back To Boom.



Just the other day you were unwell and refused to breastfeed for a day and a half. I was a bit worried you wouldn't return to the breast, but last night while half asleep you had a dream feed and you've been back to loving your 'boom' ever since. This mumma is very happy, I was not ready for you to wean.

In The Car.



From the back seat I hear - "Mum I go sleep now".




Your picture today is a bit of a cheat pic, Miss Layla. You spent most of the day quite miserable because you were feeling unwell. So instead of taking a photo of you, I quickly took this one of some of your cloth nappies I was snapping together. You have been in cloth since a few weeks of age, starting with prefolds and covers and now moving to my favourite - AI2's. We use lots of different brands, but I'm having a lot of fun finding WAHM nappies and nabbing them. The owl and the unicorn are made by my favourite WAHM - Charlie Rose Nappies.

Big Brother.



I paused for 2 seconds to check I had my keys. On turning around I found you doing this. You told me 'I pick leaves for Yaya'. What a sweet big brother you are!

Off For A Walk With Dad.



I know you weren't too impressed with having to sit back and watch as Asher explored and walked beside you. Thankfully though, you will sit back and take it all in. Next time I promise we will have found your shoes!




You went for a walk with your daddy and brought back lots of treasures. One of those sticks has been used as a magic wand. Your imagination is blossoming.