But after then her gross motor milestones slowed down. Up until 6 months of age Layla would be so exhausted that she could only stay up for an hour. By 10 months she was scooting in circles on her bottom, but not able to eat any solid foods. Breastfeeding did not come natural to us and she was still causing me pain (and still is at 19 months) during each feed. She gagged on tiny grated pieces of food and refused most solids other than yoghurt. She couldn't eat any texture at all.
At 12 months Layla was still not supporting her weight on her feet. When you attempted to stand her up she would bring her legs up into a sitting position. She had never pulled herself up to stand and had only started crawling (using arms and dragging legs) a couple of weeks earlier. CYH referred us to a physio and a few weeks later we had our first appointment.
I was told then that Layla had Hypotonia (low muscle tone) and hyper-flexibility (she's double jointed!). She was unable to support her weight due to her low tone and the fact her ankles couldn't support her at that time because of the flexibility didn't help. The physio made some recommendations and asked us back in 3 months time to see her progress.
I remember driving home that day thinking, is she serious? Have they seriously given me another problem to deal with? I felt so sad for my baby. I googled it that evening and discovered that it made sense. Layla still to this day slouches in her pram, she just cannot support her weight while sitting up in that sort of chair for too long. It gave me a reason for all our struggles to breastfeed and to get her onto solids. I finally understood her better.
Layla started walking at 15 months. The physio was very happy with her quick progress. Weekly we attend Kindergym to help her gross motor skills. We practice fine motor activities at home. Helping Layla with her muscle tone has just become a fact of everyday life.
At 19 months she is doing so well. Walking, running, attempting to jump and doing some climbing. She is delayed a little with her gross motor skills, but the physio told us that she always would be. Layla loves to play outside and she also loves to draw and paint. Hypotonia means for Layla that she will tire sooner than others, that she will struggle a little more. But it won't stop her!